“The inevitable consequence of poverty is dependence”
Hey! Do you know, that when people have less two things happen. Children become very aggressive about their possessions, and priorities are righted. But all of this happens in a very strange way, that I wouldn't have expected. Because children FIGHT for things, to get a ball or to play with a toy, or to get food. But once they have it, they are surprisingly willing to share. Once a child has money, he doesn't hoard it, but will go out and buy lollipops for everyone. If he buys a packet of biscuits, they are common property. If he gets the ball, more than likely he will round everyone up to play. It's strange, because I expected way more hoarding. In the 'west' I am used to children offering things, but rather sparingly, and grudgingly, so I really really expected something else. The thing about priorities is interesting. Hannah and I are a part of a church plant, and our church has about a 40 members (we don't really do membership, but about 40 regulars) someti...