Another address to the Nobility ENG/Port.

Embaixo tambem uma tentativa de tradição em portugues! Another address to the Nobility It all starts in a silence in the distance, All that moves is the inner reason He feels trapped, deceived, without true existence, Enslaved only to mechanism. Seduced and captured by the institution, Indebted to constant debtors Slavery a cage with no absolution, Visible to a world which is weary. The cry starts as a strangled roar of thunder, That seems to re-split the curtain. Remembering the liberation wonder, That was already freely given. The fight begins for enlightenment new, For an original covenant. One that it craves and is long overdue Saturated by equality. The revolutionary buries the living with the pain The thread of remorse strains not breaking. No treatment or condition that is too humane Is without mercy to be given Until the purpose, and comfort are gained The wisdom shows the error of ways But already the institution is restrained And no one knows if there is lasting grace. And si...