Rejoice! Rejoice!

Happy Tuesday all! Firstly, I would like to say that Samuel has recovered almost fully from his illness. He has come out of it almost a new little boy, learning new words daily – although people are telling me that the new words that he was learning have a Finnish twinge to them! Thank you for your thoughts, messages and prayers. Our week has mainly been getting ready for our big move that happened this Sunday! Many of the people in the church dedicated man hours, clothes, and enthusiasm. We ran a Bazar on Saturday, which was a really fun experience and we raised about £6000, which here, is a huge amount of money, although not really even close to what the final refurb cost will be for the new church, but it was our first step forward, and now that we have working lights, running water, and some extra chairs we are able to run our first service in the new building (side hall – sound familiar?) this Sunday! On the first Sunday that I walked into Igreja Rio I was confr...