Thursday's are for Singles
Today’s topic was scheduled to be singleness. What a daunting topic to speak of, especially in a culture where people are being single is considered somewhat of a weakness, especially in Brazil. I have a story that I often tell, that helps explain how people here, especially within the church view singleness. Once, a couple of years ago I was visiting a project in one of the suburbs here in Recife. It was a brilliant project. A Pastor from the interior had started a little rehabilitation centre. He basically had bought a house, and took in people who wanted to get drug free and they lived together as family. This project had grown and been going on for a couple of years. His success rates where at last five times higher than those of the state-run centres. At this time, he had some 20 plus young men living at the centre. We all sat down to meet the men, in a big circle, on the sidewalk, and right out into the street, and the Pastor asked all the young men to introduce themselves, an...