If it's sent by ship then it's cargo, if it's sent by road it's shipment?

Hey there.
I'm just going to write you a wee note about the current Visa situation, and then hopefully later on this week I can add another little note about what I have been learning about silence (if you ask my workmates, they will say... "nothing" ;)
So as it turns out the Salvation Army in Recife, maybe not so great at getting paper work in order, at least for my part. So we have decided to let them go and go about the visa another way. This is both good news and ok news. The good news part of it being that I am now going to be enrolled at a seminary in Recife as a student, to study some theology (which is great, because Ive always wanted to study theology, and Judith reccomends it, so I trust her). This means that I shall be able to get my student visa (which really we should have done in the first place..but alas.. such is life). Student visas should not be such a pain to get, and might even require less work for my friends at the embassy, who despite my grumbelings probably deserve a medal once I get out there.
The, only ok, part of this news is; its going to take a couple of months. We are now looking at December (but a more SURE December, than all this previous guessing has been). Which means some more time in this wet and windy town of mine. What keeps this from being bad news (spending another winter in Helsinki was NOT apart of any plan that I had, if you think that the dark and cold is bad in Scotland, try it over here for 5 months. We have special 'Happy' lamps that give off like D vitamins to make us happier), is that, having been here for a year now, almost, has left me with some ducks that I need to put in a line. So a couple of months extra time working, spending with family and learning portuguese could never go to waste, and I am feeling not too badly down about that 'extra' time.
Again not much is happening here, life kind of is the same day to day, which is a blessing really, for once in my life Im not running from one thing to another, with a third thing to organize on the way. I listen to my podcasts and old Pheonix albums on my new ipod (thank you father) on my way too and from work, and nothing much happens apart from that.
Hope you are well. And I hope that I have something fun to tell you next week.
Love and God Bless
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