“Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed by them.”

Hei there!

Wow, its been a little while! It was Christmas, and then it was my 4 weeks off, and now I am in Limbo. But the good kind of limbo, the kind where you feel empowered and that whatever comes next can only be good, and if it isnt, you can change it all so that it is. Cryptic I know ;) We are currently in a process of change and modification, and until there is a more solidified plan of this, I think its better that I dont confuse everyone, anyone, with a serious of presuppositions and nonesense, so, Ill let you know about things, when I have a frimer grip on it myself.

So, instead I have decided to inaugurate 2011 blogging with a rant, as usual, why change it if it works right?

Legalism, it started out like one of this little itches, maybe at the top of your arm, or like a fly buzzing around when really you wanted to consentrate on something a little more important, but It wasnt one of those things that you concentrated on, much, then it became like that little thud in your head that you get just before a headache hits, that 9 time out of 10 you barely recognize until its too late, and then it becomes a chronic wriste or ankle pain that flares up every time that you try to put your hand or foot down to do anything useful, so that it becomes even more complicated to manouver through the usual day to day businesses, and then, finally, after one year of fermentation it hits and it feels like you are under house arrest, or there is something stalking you every minute of everyday, its annoying, and it frustrates you and it creates in you this completely unjustifiable amount of rage, that colours every contact you have with other people.

I dont know how best to describe legalism, so Ill do it by complicating it a little more, as is my way. If humans were houses....

If humans were houses, then legalism would be where a house, that was in total disrepair was renovated, but only the facade of it. They would slap on a new coat of paint, maybe even the expensive kind, and they would fix all the windows, and put new banisters on the stairs leading to the front door, so that it would be really inviting. But when you walk into the building, it might still smell like urine, and have linoulium flooring that is stained, wall paper peeling, or plaster peeling off the walls, and not one of the light bulbs work. And no one would buy a flat there, because buildings are made to live in. Or legalism could be one of those grand victorian houses that I lived in in Canada, absolutely beautiful on the outside, and on the inside everything is arranged perfectly, but all you can hear is the grandfather clock ticking in the corner, there is a little bit of a stale smell in the air, maybe a layer or dust over the books, and flowers, which have seen their better day a couple of days ago, a house that is too grand to invite just anyone in, and so big, grand, and empty of living. That´s what legalism is, makes you want to come in, but isn´t where you would want to live, and if something like that is what is most important, how the facade looks, that you forget that whatever happens, eventually you have to invite someone inside if you want them to buy it, and although they may not motice straight away, little by little they become disillusioned with the house and wont want to stay there.

Me, I would rather live in my family cottage. It could use another coat of paint, the windows are a little chipped, but it looks like a cottage, and you go inside, and it looks inside just like you expect it too, apart from with hidden depths (there is quite literally a basement bedroom that fits at least another 4 to 6 people to sleep in). It´s nothing special, but its what it should be.

Now that I have ranted. I feel much better, and have to run to training.
Its good to be back

*Title Quote; Henry David Thoreau


  1. That's such a great description Emma, thanks a lot for sharing it :)
    Mel @ Latin Link


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